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5 productivity tips for working at home office

Want to make your home office productive? Check out the tips that Alymente has separated for you in this article!

The world is going through a period of great transformation and adaptation to a new way of living. Along with it, we have new habits in the most diverse spheres of society. When we talk about work, it's no different. Suddenly, companies all over the world have been forced to leave their offices and start working remotely. With that in mind, Alymente has separated some productivity tips.

The home office work model was already widely used, but there are still countless companies that have not prepared for this moment. If you were not prepared to work from home either and find that you have not been earning as much as if you were in your office, this article can help you.

A study conducted in the United States by the employment platform Airtasker, pointed out that, in fact, those who work from home count on higher productivity than those who stay allocated. Want to find out their secret? Check it out all about below!

Motivation is the key to productivity tips

When there is no interaction with colleagues or commuting across town, days can end up becoming monotonous in remote work, and this can end up impacting directly on your performance, 

One of the best productivity tips we can give you is: don't underestimate your mind. You do need gimmicks to help with your daily motivation and, for that, nothing better than a list. 

But there's no point in leaving the list in your head or not taking it seriously. Think of your tasks in a macro way and break them down into smaller tasks. When you write the list, also think of short, medium and long term tasks. 

Google itself points out that when you create a list and work to stick to it, it's easy to visualise how you're progressing and this can help create positive reinforcement in your mind.

2. Pay attention to working hours

It is very common to hear stories of people who, when they started working at home office, ended up extending their working day. What these people don't know is that not having well-defined schedules can directly impact their delivery.

This is because from the moment you have no control over how many hours you will work each day, you can't plan yourself with daily tasks and you won't strive to finish them within the deadline you created yourself.

Therefore, determine feasible schedules that really fit your reality. One of the great advantages of home office is that you can choose to work at the times when you are most productive, so be sure to map this out.

3. Keep your mess under control

We know that it can be practically impossible to maintain a totally organised environment all the time, especially during work days. But when it comes to productivity tips, making an effort to try and keep as much organisation in your work environment as possible is paramount.

An organised place will save you time when you have to look for something. But balance is important too. According to a study by the University of Minnesota in the United States, those who rely on a little clutter on their desks can get a much bigger creative boost.

4. Don't stop chatting "live".

Remote work may seem lonely at first. However, when we think about it in depth, it is extremely collaborative, because it is necessary to count on a team that has an excellent integration so that the processes are maintained.

Imagine your inbox full of e-mails that are nothing more than simple notices? To avoid this problem and issues related to communication between teams, betting on instant messaging programs and even short calls to transmit information is important.

Thinking about productivity tips, this can help by helping to create a culture of alignment in teams, which can prevent rework.

5. List your priorities

This may seem like one of the beaten productivity tips at first, but creating a priority list taking your tasks into consideration can make quite a difference to your day to day life. 

You need to understand that, working from home, there is often simply no time to get all the tasks finished. The big challenge here is not to finish your work in a hurry, but to know how to prioritise what you have to do to ensure that the most important things are done on time.

If you've made it this far, you've had access to the most valuable productivity tips for working from home office. Apply them and you're sure to increase your productivity.
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Nadjine Hochleitner Terhoch
Journalist and passionate about photography and literature.