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6 simple ways to increase employee satisfaction

Want to know how to increase employee satisfaction in the company? Check out this article and learn six different ways!

To decrease turnover and build loyalty among an organization's talent, creating an action plan to increase employee satisfaction is simply paramount. Today Alymente has separated some interesting ways to achieve this goal. Check out what we have prepared below and start implementing in your company right now!

1. Give and receive feedback

Feedback is a simple practice, which does not require investment and does not even spend much time of the leader. Many managers consider this type of ombudsman dispensable, but what they don't know is that they are losing a great chance to develop the company and its employees by failing to make it a habit.

When you give feedback, besides aligning expectations about your work, you also offer an excellent opportunity for personal and professional development, which increases employee satisfaction.

In this meeting you can point out what has worked and what has not, as well as provide clarity about the progress of that person's goals (if any). Describe attitudes and behaviors, but never make judgments.

In the beginning, it may not be such a simple process. After all, feedback also serves as a way for the employee to tell the leader how he or she is feeling. Remember that the process should be done in person, and never by phone or e-mail.

Create this culture within the company and implement the process on a monthly basis.

2. Invest in training for employee satisfaction

One of the best ways to increase employee satisfaction is to make them feel valued. To do this, investing in their training is an incredible idea. And you don't need to pay for an expensive course for him, there are ways to follow the methodology of continuous improvement in simple and affordable ways.

How about, for example, implementing internal workshops to teach about themes dealt with in the company's daily routine? In this way, the specialists can transmit their knowledge.

Online courses and training can also be implemented. Create a plan for the employee and show him how this type of learning can help him develop within the organisation itself, increasing his possibilities for growth.

3. Offer flexible benefits

It is undeniable that, nowadays, companies that do not care about the benefits they offer to their employees are lagging behind. Entrepreneurs who believe that workers are satisfied just by receiving meal vouchers and the obligatory transport voucher are stuck in the past.

Having a good benefits package may be what makes the difference when it comes to an employee accepting or not your proposal to work in the company.

See some examples of benefits and aids:

  • culture (for use at the cinema, theatre, shows, buying books, etc);
  • mobility (beyond VR, such as for petrol or ride apps);
  • consultation (to pay for possible doctors);
  • entertainment;
  • academia;
  • education;
  • among others.

However, we know it can be a real challenge for organisations to offer all of these benefits in a distinctive way, but to solve this problem flexible benefits platforms have emerged.

In this scenario, you can set an amount that contemplates these benefits, make it available on the platform and from there, the employee can choose how to spend their total amount according to their personal needs.

4. Implement breakfast or afternoon coffee in the company

It may sound silly, but little things like offering breakfast in the morning or afternoon at certain times can increase employee satisfaction considerably.

How about making fruit available during a period in the morning? Or, once a week, have a shared coffee where everyone can interact and have a moment of relaxation?

There are several ways of implementing this, always according to the characteristics of each organisation and its daily routine.

5. Have a career plan

Developing a career plan, implementing it and presenting it to the teams' employees is one of the highlights of this list. After all, who doesn't want to grow within the company and know that there are possibilities of promotion and changing positions?

This way you can align the expectations of each one, with well-defined objectives, goals and transparency. When there is synergy, in addition to higher productivity, employees become ambitious, have the desire to grow and the atmosphere becomes more pleasant.

Setting SMART goals, for example, is a good methodology. This will also help HR to be more assertive when hiring and delegating responsibilities.

6. Bet on moments of relaxation

A light and healthy working environment calls for moments of relaxation. After all, everyone knows that it is impossible to work for eight hours with eagerness and concentration. Employees always take that famous coffee break, don't they?

A simple way to increase satisfaction is to formalize these breaks as a kind of benefit. During the morning, for example, the employee has 15 minutes of rest that he can take at a certain time, and the same goes for the afternoon.

This enables teams to be more productive and engaged.

Remember that the best way to achieve a result of excellence when it comes to team satisfaction is to apply various strategies and make them a standard in the company.
What did you think of the tips that Alymente has separated for you? To have access to the best strategies, just keep following our blog!

Nadjine Hochleitner Terhoch
Journalist and passionate about photography and literature.