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Employee benefits: choosing the best ones for you and your employees

Do you know how to choose the best employee benefits? Check out Alymente's tips for making the best decision.

Motivation, talent loyalty, match with the company's culture... every human resources department is seeking to achieve these goals. To get there, it is necessary to develop a great retention strategy, and choosing the best benefits granted to the employee is paramount.

If a few years ago meal and transport vouchers were the only ones offered by companies, today it is already possible to create a basket full of benefits that are truly the face of the employee of your company. That is exactly why we developed this article! Check it out below.

Why pay attention to the benefits granted to the worker?

The first thing HR needs to keep in mind when creating a benefits plan is that it can take time to come up with a perfect model. It's a trial and error job to find what really gives the match.

It is important to choose benefits that offer a real advantage in the employee's life. Otherwise, the company will lose part of its investment, because the offer will not make sense for that person's daily life.

If, at the end of the process, you manage to create a basket of benefits granted to the worker that is really assertive, you will reap the best fruits in the organisation, with a more motivated, healthier team, with less turnover, lower absenteeism rate and much well-being.

It should be kept in mind that it is not only the team that gains from this, but the company as well.

How to make the best choice?

Now that you know about the importance of making a wise decision when it comes to offering employee benefits, it's time to learn how to achieve that goal. Here's step by step:

  1. do a survey - ask employees what benefits they would like to receive and why;
  2. do a legal analysis of what has been raised - to make sure it is within the law;
  3. define the existing budget so that the new benefits can be implemented;
  4. Meet with the company's top management so that, together, they can make the most assertive decision based on everything that was raised;

Did you enjoy learning more about benefit choice and how important it can be for organisation? For more tips like this, just keep following Alymente's blog!

Nadjine Hochleitner Terhoch
Journalist and passionate about photography and literature.