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Organizational Culture

Benefits satisfaction survey: why should companies use it?

Find out how the benefits satisfaction survey can transform your company, increasing satisfaction and retaining talent. See also how to apply it.

Satisfaction surveys are essential tools for managers to better understand the perceptions and needs of their employees. Benefit satisfaction surveys, for example, become more relevant in a scenario where employees value their company's benefits and support.

Such research tools help HR to adapt and respond to employee expectations to ensure that the company remains attractive, competitive and retains its talents.

Read on to explore how the implementation of satisfaction surveys can transform the organizational environment and help align HR strategies with the reality of employees.

What is a benefits satisfaction survey?

The benefits satisfaction survey is a methodology that allows organizations to measure employee satisfaction with the benefits provided. This detailed questionnaire helps identify areas of satisfaction and those in need of improvement, guiding the necessary adjustments to improve the delivery of benefits.

Through this evaluation, companies obtain information that directs their benefits strategy to better align it with the expectations and needs of the company's employees. Regular application of these surveys ensures that benefits policies remain relevant and appreciated by the team.

How important is the benefits satisfaction survey?

Benefit satisfaction surveys help companies understand how benefits affect employee satisfaction and engagement. By evaluating the effectiveness of the benefits offered and identifying areas for improvement, this method helps to resolve internal conflicts and promote employee well-being.

The benefits of the benefits satisfaction survey are:

  • improved employee engagement: employees who feel listened to are more dedicated;
  • reducing turnover and absenteeism: adjustments to benefits can reduce turnover and absenteeism;
  • increased productivity: well-adjusted benefits boost efficiency at work;
  • strengthening the organizational climate: feedback that leads to positive changes strengthens the organizational culture and the working environment.

These initiatives reinforce the company's commitment to employee well-being, promoting a more satisfying and productive environment.

How to apply the benefits satisfaction survey?

To apply the benefits satisfaction survey in your company, you need to plan well and follow the steps below.

1. Develop a plan

Before launching a benefits satisfaction survey, define clear objectives and decide on the format and delivery method of the questionnaire. These strategic choices are essential to ensure that the survey is effective and generates useful data for future improvements.

2. Ask objective questions

When creating a benefits satisfaction survey, the questions should be direct and specific. This ensures clear answers and avoids misunderstandings, facilitating later analysis. Include questions that address the usefulness and accessibility of the benefits, to ensure that employees can provide focused and useful feedback.

3. Forward the survey

Before carrying out the benefits satisfaction survey, organize an information session with employees to detail the process and objectives. This ensures their understanding and the importance of their participation.

Publicize the survey on all internal communication channels, clearly establishing the start and end dates for responses, so you can guarantee employee involvement.

4. Analyze

Analyze benefit satisfaction survey responses using technology to create clear graphs. This allows you to quickly identify the points that need improvement. 

Disseminate the results of the survey to the entire company, showing transparency and the actions that will be taken to improve benefits based on the feedback received.

5. Listen to employees

Create spaces in the benefits satisfaction survey questionnaire for employees to express their opinions freely. Including open comment sections allows you to capture valuable details that help you better understand employee needs and expectations.

6. Apply improvements

Identify the areas that need improvement based on the feedback collected in the benefits satisfaction survey. Evaluate the possibilities of adjustments within the budget and existing contracts with suppliers to implement changes that meet the needs of employees.

How important are employee benefits?

Flexible are important for employees because they promote greater satisfaction and well-being in the workplace. They are fundamental for attracting talent due to the perceived value and also for retaining this talent by offering a continuous support structure in addition to salary.

These benefits have a direct impact on employee motivation and engagement, leading to an increase in productivity and a decrease in absenteeism rates. Food vouchersfood vouchers, health insurance and study grants are just some of these benefits.

We've seen in this article how a benefits satisfaction survey is crucial for adapting companies' offers to employees' expectations, increasing their engagement and productivity. It shows that the company values and listens to its employees, which is important for retaining talent.

Find out how Alymente can help your company improve employee satisfaction with innovative benefits. Visit our website for more information!

Image credit: Freepik.

Marina Lira
An advertising executive and head of marketing at Alymente, she is dedicated to creating valuable content about people, management and the latest news in the world of corporate benefits.