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What are the advantages of unifying the benefits provider?

Do you know what unified benefits are and how they can help your company? Find out all about it in this article!

Investing in a really interesting benefits basket has been one of the most assertive ways to build talent loyalty within companies and also attract new professionals from the market. One of the challenges for human resources departments in an organisation is to deal with the variety of options available and, therefore, today we are going to talk about benefit provider unification.

What is benefit provider unification?

If you want to know the advantages of working with just one benefits provider, you first need to understand what unification is and how it works.

Imagine that your organization has a large offer of benefits, with culture vouchers, gym, fuel vouchers, pharmacy aid, among others, right? Managing all this can be quite a challenge, and it was exactly to solve this problem that the unification of suppliers arose.

In this format, you don't have to deal with ten different companies for benefits to reach employees, but only one.

5 advantages of unification

Now that you understand more about the subject, it's time to know all the advantages for those who choose this type of model:

  1. cost reduction - by dealing with only one supplier, your relationship becomes stronger and bargaining can be more promising. In addition, you create a bond of mutual cooperation;
  2. less bureaucracy - instead of dealing with processes and resolving contractual issues with several companies, it will be necessary to talk to just one;
  3. improved organisation - since you don't have to deal with so much bureaucracy, organising yourself becomes much easier and HR still optimises their working time;
  4. centralisation of communication - as you will have only one supplier, your ability to communicate with them will increase, which will also positively impact on your relationship with them;
  5. optimisation of supplier management - the improvement in the relationship with the supplier will lead to better quality service and a partnership relationship.

Do you like this solution to bring even more advantages to your employees and your company? Learn more about Alymente, a flexible benefits platform that was born to facilitate your benefits management. Now you no longer have to depend on different providers!

Nadjine Hochleitner Terhoch
Journalist and passionate about photography and literature.