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Importance of organizational health and metrics to assess it

Do you know which metrics to use to assess your company's organizational health? Find out how poor employee quality of life can affect your team.

Organizational health has become a fundamental aspect for the success and growth of companies. Having a healthy organization means having a positive culture, engaged employees and a solid structure. 

In this article, we will discuss the importance of keeping organizational health up to date and what metrics can be used to identify whether the company is on the right track.

Blog Alymente - Organizational Health

Why is Organizational Health Important?

A company with adequate organizational health is able to face challenges more effectively, improve productivity and retain talent. Here are some reasons why organizational health is crucial:

  • Employee engagement: Organizational health directly influences the level of employee engagement. A positive culture, effective leadership and a safe and respectful working environment stimulate employee motivation and commitment, resulting in greater productivity and satisfaction.
  • Retaining talent: A company with good organizational health is able to retain its best talent. Satisfied employees, who feel valued and have opportunities for growth, are less likely to leave the company in search of other opportunities. This results in cost savings on recruiting and training new employees.
  • Resilience and adaptation: A healthy organization is more resilient and able to adapt to market changes and challenges. It has efficient processes, a clear organizational structure and leadership capable of making strategic decisions. This allows the company to remain competitive and proactive in the face of market demands.

5 Metrics for Assessing Organizational Health  

To assess organizational health, it is important to use key indicators that will provide insights into the current state of the company. Here are some relevant metrics:

  1. Employee satisfaction index: Carry out organizational climate surveys on a regular basis to measure the level of employee satisfaction. This can include questions about the company culture, relationship with leadership, development opportunities and work-life balance.
  2. Turnover rate: Employee turnover can indicate problems with organizational health. Monitor it to identify trends and understand whether the company is managing to retain its talent. High rates can indicate employee dissatisfaction, a lack of professional development or leadership problems.
  3. Absenteeism and presenteeism: Monitoring the rate of absenteeism (unexcused absences) and presenteeism (employees present but not productive) can reveal health and well-being problems in the workplace. Identify the underlying causes and implement policies and programs to better manage these issues and promote employees' physical and mental health.
  4. Performance appraisals: Performance appraisals are an important tool for identifying employee alignment with company objectives. Monitor the results of evaluations to identify strengths and areas for improvement. This will help identify development needs, align expectations and ensure that employees are contributing to organizational success.
  5. Innovation and creativity index: The company's ability to encourage innovation and creativity is an indicator of organizational health. Keep track of the number of ideas and suggestions put forward by employees, as well as the successful implementation of innovative projects. This demonstrates an environment that values and promotes innovation, which is essential for the company to adapt and grow.

Organizational health is a determining factor in a company's success. Maintaining a positive culture, engaged employees and a solid structure are essential to facing the challenges of the market and achieving consistent results. By monitoring metrics such as employee satisfaction, turnover rate, absenteeism, presenteeism, performance evaluation and innovation index, companies can assess their organizational health and identify areas for improvement.

By focusing on organizational health, you create an environment conducive to employee growth, talent retention and adaptation to the demands of the ever-changing market. Prioritizing and investing in organizational health is a fundamental step towards ensuring the company's success and continued growth. 

Count on the benefits of Alymente, which can help make your organization healthier! Contact us (:

Nadjine Hochleitner Terhoch
Journalist and passionate about photography and literature.