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6 success indicators for your company's day-to-day operations

Success indicators help you keep track of your organization's performance. Check out this article for some suggestions to get to know and understand on a day-to-day basis.

Performance indicators, also known as KPIs, are metrics that can help you understand how your company is performing in relation to its short, medium and long-term objectives. 

If your company wants to achieve success, you need to hit targets. And to understand the path to be taken to achieve the goals that have been determined, you must monitor the indicators of success. 

Learn about some indicators of success to track

If you do not yet track any KPI in your company, the first step is to understand that the ideal indicators may vary depending on your segment, strategic planning and, of course, the organisational objectives themselves. 

We have separated some suggestions for you to learn more about the concept and apply the ideas to your own reality. Check them out below:

1. average ticket

The average ticket is the amount that, on average, each customer in your company spends on each of their individual purchases/contracts. Tracking it can help you increase revenue and understand the dynamics between your sales team and buyers. 

2. turnover rate

The turnover rate is nothing more than the average length of stay of an employee within the company. It is, in short, the turnover rate. 

Among the indicators of success, this is one that can be of great value for most organizations. You can draw insights related to the most diverse areas of the company, such as leadership style, basket of benefits offered, organizational climate, among others. 

3. Productivity

Tracking your team's productivity is also key, as the result can also end up impacting all areas of a company. Essentially, it measures the direct relationship between the amount of raw output that employees need to make have with the time it takes to get it done. 

Companies that have more productive employees deliver more success for their clients, make better use of their time and, consequently, increase their turnover.

4. Profitability

One of the most popular and important indicators of success is certainly the profitability index of a company. Understanding the profit percentage of the organisation is as important as understanding the total turnover.

In a quick analysis, if you have a positive turnover at the end of the month, but no cash left over, you have not made a profit over that period. This may be a sign that it is time to cut costs in the company. 

5. CAC - Customer Acquisition Cost

The CAC, an acronym for customer acquisition cost, is used in virtually every company of every type of segment around the world. As the name implies, the indicator measures how much it costs your company to acquire a new customer.

To draw a more feasible conclusion from this, the ideal is to follow the CAC of each of the sales channels used by your company. The indicator is even more important when we talk about online actions, such as Google Ads and Facebook Ads. 

6. NPS - Customer Satisfaction

The NPS (Net Promoter Score) is a global method for indicating customer satisfaction with your company. It is implemented in the form of a survey and is usually triggered every month to a company's customer base. 

Through it you can understand the relationship between results offered to the client and the satisfaction they have with the company in general.

Remember that it is necessary to think about your operating segment to understand and adapt the indicators of success to your reality. 

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Nadjine Hochleitner Terhoch
Journalist and passionate about photography and literature.