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Corporate Benefits

9 types of spontaneous benefits to implement in your company

Learn about the main types of spontaneous benefits and how they can improve employee retention, productivity and satisfaction.

According to a survey carried out by Glassdoor in 2020, 79% of employees prefer new benefits to a salary increase. This underscores the growing importance of corporate benefits in attracting and retaining employees. In this context, spontaneous benefits have stood out as a tool for companies that want to differentiate themselves and offer more than what is required by law.

Spontaneous benefits go beyond what is expected, creating a deeper connection between the company and its employees. They increase satisfaction and motivation, improve the working environment and promote a positive organizational climate.

In this article, we'll explore what spontaneous benefits are, their advantages, how they differ from legal benefits and the different types you can implement in your company. 

Follow along and find out how to make your organization an even more attractive place to work!

What are spontaneous benefits?

Spontaneous benefits are differentials offered by companies to their employees on a voluntary basis, without there being a legal requirement to do so. These benefits go beyond mandatory labor rights and are implemented with the aim of improving employee satisfaction, engagement and well-being.

By providing these benefits, companies seek to create a more attractive and competitive workplace. Common examples of spontaneous benefits include flexible working hours, food vouchers, educational assistance and wellness programs. 

The implementation of these benefits reflects the company's commitment to the quality of life of its employees.

What are the advantages of spontaneous benefits?

Spontaneous benefits offer various advantages for companies and employees. They help retain talent, improve productivity and the organizational climate. They also act as a differentiator by attracting qualified professionals who are committed to the company.

Employee retention

According to a survey by the Society for Human Resource Management(SHRM), 60% of employees consider the benefits offered by the organization to be one of the main factors for staying in their jobs.

In this sense, by providing a robust and diversified benefits package, companies can reduce turnover and increase workforce stability.

Improved productivity

Offering this type of benefit can also help boost productivity. Employees can feel more engaged and recognized with spontaneous benefits and this contributes to their performance.

Improved organizational climate

Another advantage is the improvement in the company climate. Wellness programs, flexible working hours and other advantages create a more comfortable and less stressful workplace, which promotes employee satisfaction and engagement.


Offering spontaneous benefits can be a differentiator in the job market. In an age when professionals have many options, companies that stand out by offering extra perks attract the best talent and build a solid reputation.

What are the differences between spontaneous and legal benefits?

Legal benefits are required by Brazilian labor law, such as the 13th salary, paid vacation, FGTS and transportation vouchers. These benefits are mandatory and must be provided by all companies to their employees, guaranteeing basic rights and social protection.

On the other hand, spontaneous benefits are offered by the company on a voluntary basis, without legal requirement. These benefits are a strategy for improving employee satisfaction and motivation. Examples include flexible working hours, food vouchers, scholarships and home-office assistance.

While legal benefits are uniform and guarantee minimum rights to all workers, spontaneous benefits allow for greater customization, meet the specific needs of employees and align with the strategic demands of the organization.

What are the types of spontaneous benefits?

The types of spontaneous benefits include a wide range of options, each adapted to meet the needs and preferences of employees:

Flexible hours

Flexible working hours allow employees to adjust their working hours according to their personal and professional needs. This benefit improves work-life balance, reduces stress and increases overall satisfaction.


Food-related benefits, such as food vouchers, help to reduce monthly expenses and guarantee more adequate and healthier meals.


Meal vouchers or meals provided by the company ensure that employees have access to food during working hours. This facility saves time and provides a quality meal at a reduced cost.


Investing in employees' education, with scholarships for undergraduate, postgraduate or specialization courses, is advantageous for both the employee and the company. More qualified employees tend to perform their duties better and bring innovation to the organization.

Home-office assistance

With the increase in remote working, offering home-office assistance has become essential. This benefit can include reimbursement of expenses for internet, electricity and equipment to carry out professional activities from home.

Salary advances

The salary advance is a benefit that allows employees to advance part of their salary before the payment date. This option can be useful in financial emergencies.

Retirement plan

Offering a private retirement plan in addition to the INSS is a way of showing concern for the financial future of employees and helping them to guarantee a more comfortable and peaceful retirement.

Health insurance

Health insurance is one of the most valued benefits. Providing quality medical coverage reduces absenteeism and increases satisfaction.

Flexible benefits

Flexible benefits allow employees to choose which advantages best meet their individual needs. Platforms such as Alymente offer complete solutions for managing flexible benefits, providing practicality and personalization. With Alymente, employees can select from a variety of options, such as food vouchers, culture vouchers and others, according to their personal preferences and demands.

To find out about efficient and flexible solutions and to implement spontaneous benefits in your company, we invite you to explore our options. Visit our website and discover how Alymente contributes to your business by creating a benefits package that really makes a difference to your employees.

Marina Lira
An advertising executive and head of marketing at Alymente, she is dedicated to creating valuable content about people, management and the latest news in the world of corporate benefits.