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Non-financial recognition: what is it and how to include it in your company?

Do you know what non-financial recognition is? Read on and find out how to include it in your company.

Non-financial recognition plays a big role in motivating employees and promoting satisfaction in the workplace. While financial incentives are important, appreciation through praise, symbolic awards and development opportunities also work as an important incentive. 

These forms of recognition strengthen the bond between the company and its employees and guarantee a positive and collaborative working environment.

In this article, you'll discover what non-financial recognition is, how it positively impacts the team and the different types of recognition that can be implemented. Have a good read!

What is non-financial recognition?

Non-financial recognition is a strategy used to value the work of employees through actions that do not involve monetary rewards. Examples include public praise, certificates or professional development opportunities.

This approach is effective in motivating and engage employeeswhich strengthens the relationship between the company and its employees. It shows appreciation and encourages a positive working environment, where individuals' contributions are recognized in a manner commensurate with their efforts.

How does it positively impact the team?

Non-financial recognition has an impact on the team by increasing employee motivation and engagement. When they realize that they are valued, they tend to put in more effort and commitment, and thus improve their productivity.

It also helps to create a more pleasant and collaborative working environment. Recognition strengthens bonds and contributes to retaining talent and attracting new professionals.

What are the types of non-financial recognition?

There are various types of non-financial recognition, here are some of the main ones.

Chances of development

Offering development opportunities, such as courses and workshops, is a form of non-financial recognition that invests in employees' professional growth. This approach demonstrates the company's commitment to advancing employees' skills.

Recognition awards

Recognition awards are symbols that highlight exceptional achievements and efforts by employees, often accompanied by trophies or certificates. This non-financial recognition promotes healthy competition and team spirit among employees. 

Objective criteria guarantee the effectiveness and transparency of awards in the workplace.


When given in meetings or internal communications, praise boosts employees' self-esteem. This recognition strengthens the culture of appreciation, encourages excellence and creates a more positive and collaborative space.

Time off

Granting extra time off is non-financial recognition to reward effort in projects or overtime. This practice promotes employee well-being, prevents burnout and increases satisfaction. Rested employees return more productive and benefit the company with renewed creativity and efficiency.

Collaboration Space

Allowing employees to lead projects and implement new ideas fosters creativity and autonomy. This approach values your employees' unique skills and reinforces trust by fostering an environment of innovation.

How to implement non-financial recognition?

There are a few steps to follow to implement non-financial recognition in your organization. Find out the details of how to do this below.


Setting clear objectives is crucial to the effective implementation of non-financial recognition. This can include increasing employee motivation and engagement or reducing turnover. With well-defined goals, the company can structure a program that really meets its needs and measure the success achieved.

Type of recognition

Select the right types of recognition, mixing financial and non-financial forms to motivate different employees and ensuring that the rewards are in line with the company's values and objectives.


Establishing clear criteria for non-financial recognition ensures fairness and transparency. These criteria should reflect behaviors that are aligned with the company's objectives. Ensuring that everyone has the same opportunities for recognition fosters a fair and motivating work environment, encouraging the pursuit of excellence.

Prepare leaders

Empowering leaders is vital to implementing non-financial recognition. They must understand that this recognition is essential for motivating and engaging the team, as well as being important for the company's strategic objectives. Training should teach them to celebrate daily achievements, making recognition authentic and impactful.

Spread the word

To ensure the success of non-financial recognition, communicate the program in a clear and accessible way. Use different channels, such as emails and meetings, to reach all employees. Make sure everyone understands the criteria and knows how they can be recognized for their contributions.


After implementing non-financial recognition, monitor its effects and adjust the strategy as necessary. Collect regular feedback from employees to identify improvements. Analyze engagement and satisfaction metrics to ensure that the program remains relevant and aligned with company objectives.

In short, non-financial recognition promotes an organizational culture that engages and retains talent in your company, making it competitive and collaborative. Find out how Alymente can contribute to this by by visiting our website!

Image credit: Freepik.

Marina Lira
An advertising executive and head of marketing at Alymente, she is dedicated to creating valuable content about people, management and the latest news in the world of corporate benefits.