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Did you know that selling VR is prohibited by law? See what can happen!

Many people bet on selling VR to supplement their income, but did you know that it is prohibited? Find out what can happen in this article.

The sale of meal vouchers, as well as food vouchers, is a very common practice nowadays. What many people don't know is that selling food stamps is actually prohibited by law.

According to a survey by SPC Brasil (Credit Protection Service) in partnership with the National Confederation of Store Managers (CNDL), around 39% of workers supplement their income by selling this benefit.

We have developed this content to help you understand what can happen if you decide to sell.

Selling VR is grounds for dismissal with just cause

The meal voucher is a benefit that companies offer their employees in order to guarantee that they can have meals at establishments where it is legally accepted.

This common practice may, however, lead to dismissal for just cause and the employee may answer for the crime of fraud or even fraud. It is worth remembering that the benefit operators themselves warn the user of what may happen.

The companies that participate in the Worker's Meal Program and offer VR receive tax incentives for this practice. The amount offered to the employee is not considered part of the salary and, therefore, is not accounted for when it comes to FGTS and income tax, for example.

Why can selling VR be considered a crime?

The practice of selling VR is considered a deviation of the benefit's purpose. When we think from the point of view of labour laws, the crime of fraud is configured because the worker obtains an economic advantage through fraud.

Dismissal for just cause is very harmful for the worker, since you end up losing the right to withdraw the FGTS, unemployment insurance and the indemnified notice.

After understanding what can happen to those who decide to sell VR, it certainly got a lot easier to understand the reasons why the practice should not be done, right? To continue learning and read more articles like this, visit Alymente's blog!


Nadjine Hochleitner Terhoch
Journalist and passionate about photography and literature.