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Corporate Benefits

Multi-benefit Card: what it is, advantages and modalities

Have you already implemented the multi-benefit card in your company? Learn about the modalities and advantages of implementing it!

The multi-benefit card offers companies ease and freedom, while delighting employees with incredible incentives. You will no longer have the headache of managing countless suppliers, without giving up a diversified program to ensure people's motivation and well-being.

That's right! The multi-benefit card is nothing more than a single card that centralizes the amounts designated for each type of benefit the company offers its employees. It means having food, transport, well-being, culture and any other format in just one place.

In this article, we explain how easy it is to adopt this solution and achieve a significant return on investment. Explore the best tool for attracting talent, reducing turnover and promoting well-being in your teams!

What is a multi-benefit card?

The multi-benefit card brings together balances for use in different segments, such as health, food and leisure. It is recharged by the company and used in card machines and digital platforms (delivery, e-commerce and apps), according to the rules set by the employer.

The benefits package you offer your employees is an increasingly relevant aspect when it comes to the decision of whether or not to accept a job offer. To attract the attention of the best talents, you need to offer differentiated options, and one of the great strategies to achieve success in this aspect is the implementation of a multi-benefit card.

Multi-benefit card legislation

The Labor Reform consolidated optional benefits in the legislation, avoiding costs for companies. With the changes, the CLT guarantees that these incentives will not be counted in social security and labor calculations, such as FGTS and Employer's Social Security Contribution.

Together, the Workers' Food Program (PAT) encourages companies to grant benefits. By complying with the New Corporate Benefits Law, employers can deduct up to double their investment in employee nutrition benefits from their income tax.

How a multi-benefit card works

The multi-benefit card is supported by a platform that allows the company to manage everything in one place. After setting the balance limits for each category, it is used in debit and credit card machines, as well as online service platforms such as e-commerce and delivery.

At Alymente, for example, the card brand is Mastercard®. This way, you'll be able to avoid problems with the acceptance of benefits, with a traditional brand that is used in more than 4 million establishments in Brazil alone.

Control is automatic, based on the MCC and CNAE of the commercial establishment. This allows for effective management of balances and proof of the proper use of food and meal credits, which are included in the PAT.

Differences between the multi-benefit card and the traditional benefit card:

Traditional card:

  • each balance needs a specific card;
  • the company needs to manage multiple suppliers;
  • card acceptance is limited because the flags are card-specific.

Multi-benefit card:

  • a single card takes care of all the balances;
  • management is centralized on a single platform;
  • acceptance is broad and international.

Types of multi-benefit card available

Today, employing a multi-benefit card in your company can compose a true and robust incentive program. There are several modalities and possibilities that can be found with the card:

  • Food and meals: gather amounts designated for VA/VRin restaurants, purchases in markets, bakeries or even delivery apps, among other types of establishments;
  • Transport and mobility: be it designated for public transport, fuel or parking, as well as bike rental, car travel apps, among others;
  • Education: free courses, undergraduate or postgraduate courses, online or face-to-face courses;
  • Culture: shows, theater, cinemas, books, etc;
  • Health: treatments, medicines in pharmacies, exams, therapy;
  • Home office aid: for equipment, ergonomics, internet, lighting, stationery, etc;
  • Recognition and bonuses: end-of-year bonuses, prizes for professional recognition or hitting targets, Christmas presents, etc.

‍You can use your Alymente card at thousands of stores and websites.

What are the advantages of a multi-benefit card?

Adopting a multi-benefit card maximizes the return on investment in corporate benefits.

Improving motivation and organizational well-being

Credits offer flexibility for employees. Not only does the card allow us to choose the segments in which we use the benefits, but also the brands we trust, such as restaurants, supermarkets and clinics that are already part of our daily lives.

When used like cash, balances are more effective in meeting wants and needs. For this reason, the multi-benefit card has a high return on investment in terms of motivation and well-being at work.

Promoting the attraction and retention of talent

The multi-benefit card makes optimum use of resources, allowing the value invested by the company to be converted into well-being for people. As a result, the employee value proposition is strengthened to attract and keep people in the organization.

This innovation also helps to develop the employer brand. The company becomes recognized for caring for and valuing the people who work in the organization, which improves its image in the HR market.

Having an adequate compliance solution

The multi-benefit card brings together control and usage limitation mechanisms. It even allows access to government incentives.

Alymente, for example, is registered with the PAT under the number 180642210.

Optimize benefits management

Benefits management is optimized with a simpler working model. Instead of worrying about monitoring services and multiple suppliers, the company makes the balance available for people to use wherever they want. Together, it's possible to control everything on a single, centralized platform.

Reduce waste and costs

The model makes it possible to understand which benefits people use and to allocate credit proportionally. In addition, working hours and other bureaucratic costs are eliminated in a lean workflow.

How to adopt a multi-benefit card

It's easy to start using a multi-benefit card and cut through the red tape of your company's incentive programs. Here at Alymente, for example, you can design your benefits plan in three steps:

  • define fixed balances in benefits;
  • choose only the benefits you want;
  • order cards for employees.

After that, just reload the cards via the platform, and the employee will have limits and balances allocated. You no longer have to worry about the back office of benefits management. Alymente takes care of everything.

The Advantages of Alymente's Multi-Benefit Card

The biggest advantages for companies implementing the multi-benefit card model are freedom and ease.

Ease and freedom for the company that hires the benefit, because it will have to deal with only one supplier. This saves time and money of who is hiring the card, that will have to deal with unique and centralized processes. The reduction in bureaucracy and a more optimized supplier management are also consequences of this.

‍These two advantages also have a direct impact on the professional hired by the organization. You won't have to worry about monitoring several different cards and you can even choose where you want to spend the amount credited to your account.

As benefits are a growing differential, employees will feel more satisfied in the organization. As a result, the company will see a reduction in turnover, an increase in motivation and even a reduction in the time it takes to hire.

The multi-benefit card is the most complete, with 9 categories, a simple platform and wide acceptance under the Mastercard® banner. You implement a flexible benefits policy, with no red tape and a partner who takes care of everything for you.

You can use the Alymente card in thousands of establishments and applications. To find out more about the solution, understand more about the benefits and implementation processes, come and have a chat with our team!

Image credit: Freepik.

Marina Lira
An advertising executive and head of marketing at Alymente, she is dedicated to creating valuable content about people, management and the latest news in the world of corporate benefits.